Interesting Articles to Read

Below are some of the most interesting articles I have ever written. They include interesting articles to read on everything including how to develop self-reliance, how to stop being lazy, and the best life-changing books to read.

I started writing articles on this website back in 2009. When I started out, I wanted to write articles that are interesting not just to me, but to you, the reader. I wanted this website to become home to some of the most interesting reads online, combining short, informative, and thought provoking articles in one place.

Since then, I’ve written hundreds of interesting articles for this website and for numerous newspapers and magazines. The best articles have made it onto this page. Scroll down to view them in reverse chronological order.

Recent Articles

Nowadays, I primarily write on Substack. My most recent articles are below:

If you only read a handful of my articles, I suggest you start here:

Best Short Articles to Read

Below is a list of the best short articles to read that I have ever written:

All Articles

Below is a list of all of my articles for this website, ordered by most recent: