Your output can only be as good as your input allows it to be. What are you consuming on a daily basis that can have an effect on your output, positive or negative?
Do you ever find yourself actively seeking distraction from what you’re working on? You know what you’re supposed to be getting on with, but instead you open up a new tab, reach for your phone, or start cleaning your home.
Context switching makes us less effective as workers, increases the number of mistakes we make, and costs the global economy upwards of $450 billion annually.
The quote “Rome wasn’t built in a day” means that it takes time to create great work, and while success won’t come right away, it will be achieved with persistence.
Morning routines for a more productive day
Download five of my favorite morning routines, including from a U.S. Olympic gold medalist, a retired U.S. Army four-star general, and the former President of Pixar: