
Abraham Lincoln’s Farewell Address

Abraham Lincoln’s Farewell Address was given as he started his inaugural journey to Washington, D.C. on February 11, 1861. Read the full speech text here, or print out the page to save it for later.

Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union Address

Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union Address was given at the Cooper Union in Manhattan, New York, on February 27, 1860. Read the full speech text here, or print out the page to save it for later.

Abraham Lincoln’s House Divided Speech

“A house divided against itself cannot stand,” said Abraham Lincoln in his famous 1858 House Divided speech. Read the full speech text here, or print out the page to save it for later.

Abraham Lincoln’s Peoria Speech

Focusing on his objections to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Abraham Lincoln’s Peoria speech took place in 1854. Read the full speech text here, or print out the page to save it for later.

Abraham Lincoln’s Temperance Address

Abraham Lincoln’s Temperance Address was given to the Springfield Washington Temperance Society in 1842. Read the full speech text here, or print out the page to save it for later.